
  • Lead Workshop Developer for Code Resolve CS Club at Queens College.
  • Taught freshmen to develop a growth mindset, enhance self-efficacy and teamwork on in campus and zoom sessions.
  • Coached on methodologies such as Pair-Programming with a driver & navigator for beginners into tech.
  • Collaborating with other universities as workshop developer in Google Developer Student Club for hosting workshop events such as mock interviews, hackathon prep, logic-based games on python etc.

We are a club that aims to bring people together for the purpose of sharing ideas through tech. CodeReSolve is organized by students at CUNY Queens College. We hope to create a space where we share and collaborate on ideas.

Board Members:

President: Amalia Torres

Vice President: Kayla Washington

Secretary: Esther Abittan

Treasurer: Sadia Ahmed

Workshop Developers: Tasneem Hasanat, Jonathan Suconota, Nicole Haller, Emily Haller

Community Outreach Coordinators: Shela Escobar, Cristina Moran M

Event Coordinator: Umme Habiba

Social Media Coordinator: Leslie Saquisili

๐Ÿ”— Github

๐Ÿ”— Website

๐Ÿ”— Instagram